The CHiSL Curriculum has been developed to take middle school leadership programs from “Death by PowerPoint” to multi-media, 21st Century interactive curriculum.
The National Middle School Cadet Corps (NMSCC) is a sequence of middle school courses and a supplemental after-school program that prepares young people for secondary and post-secondary pathways. Through intensive leadership development, students gain the confidence, teamwork and critical thinking skills necessary for future success. The program also promotes healthy and balanced lifestyle choices, active goal setting, more effective relationships and meaningful community involvement.
The National Middle School Cadet Corps (NMSCC) program is designed to introduce middle school students to responsible leadership roles while serving as a bridge facilitating a smooth transition into high school.
Middle school can be a challenging time for students. Having the right tools and resources is important in helping them find their path and be successful in the future. The mission of NMSSC is to influence students to be self-reliant and motivated to complete their education, establish jobs and careers, and be successful, productive citizens. In short, to inspire young people to set a course for success.
We believe the power of the middle school leadership program is found primarily in the mentoring, role modeling and discipline that is provided by the instructors.
However, if the academic components are not cutting edge, it can be difficult to sustain the program in today’s outcomes-based/best-practices educational environment.
Whether you are already running a successful program, looking for ways to improve your program, or starting a brand new program, we think you will want to see this engaging, innovative and affordable character developing curriculum
that we believe to be the best middle school
leadership curriculum in the world!
All courses include PPT presentations with embedded assessment questions, instructional videos, Flash activities, Instructor and Student Learning Guides, suggested projects, authentic assessments, positive behavioral interventions and supports, and Student Learning Activities.
Content is linked to National Health Education Standards and program outcomes and includes software with the capability of linking to
other state and national standards.
TurningTechnologies Turning Point software is the ultimate classroom instruction system, naturally guiding educators and students into
research-based best practices.
Instructors are free to move around the classroom and interact with students while still controlling their computer with the presenter card.
Lessons were thoughtfully developed by professional educators to include opening, embedded, and closing questions making it easy for instructors to quickly transition from instruction to assessment. Lessons also include engaging activities developed to facilitate collaborative learning between students.
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